Thursday 22 November 2012

Walking Back Down Memory Lane

Sometimes there's nothing better than coming across some old photos from way back when, and boom.  You've found the sofa, there's a cup of tea in hand and you've put off whatever job you were about to do until tomorrow as you lose yourself for a couple of hours.  Those old memories come flooding back and suddenly you're back there, re-living those precious moments. 

But why stop there, when you can re-live them for real.

During my studies I came across a photographer called Wilma Hurskainen who did just that in her series of work called Growth.  She took her grown up children back to some of the places and scenarios that they visited as a family years before to re-take their favourite photos. They all stood or sat in the exact same place, with the same pose and expressions that they had before, and there it was - old memories come alive.

Wilma Hurskainen - Growth - 2005

So I decided to have a go at this myself.  I got my family together, sifted through some of the old family favourites and went out into the garden.  And what a result!

And just in case you were wondering - yes it is the original 1970's Hopper!
(never again will I complain at my Grandparents for hoarding)

Wilma Hurskainen's photos can be found by following this link to Wilma Hurskainen - Growth if you'd like to see her other pictures & get some ideas to try yourself.

Enjoy your Memory Lane!

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Seaside In The Fog

Recently we took a family trip to North Yorkshire to visit some of the beautiful seaside towns there.

Whilst we were holidaying, the weather was, well shall we say, typically British!!

Fog, Fog, Fog and more fog.

Usually, this would be found annoying, however, loaded with my trusty camera, the fog was perfect.

I just wanted to share with you a few of some amazing shots that I managed to capture, thanks to the good ole sea mist.
